Early Day Motion 1729 proposed by St.Ives MP Andrew George:
 “That this House considers that there is no justification for the forced eviction of Gypsies and Travellers where no alternative lawful sites are available and residents seek to live in harmony; acknowledges that evictions leave many Gypsy and Traveller families with no secure accommodation and that the Office of the Children’s Commissioner has recently expressed concern that the eviction of Gypsy and Traveller families poses a significant danger to the health, welfare and education rights of children; notes that 20 per cent. of Gypsies and Travellers living in caravans in England are legally categorised as homeless as they have no legal place to park their caravans and that, at the present rate of site provision, it will take up to 27 years to meet the current assessed need for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation; further notes that eviction is likely only to increase the incidence of unlawful encampments at a cost of 18 million each year for councils in England; and calls on the Government to encourage councils not to proceed with evictions until satisfactory and culturally appropriate alternative accommodation is identified and secured for Gypsy and Traveller families.”

Put your MP to work – request they sign EDM 1729
Early Day Motions are very good ways of raising issues in parliament, which may not get debated in normal sittings of parliament.You can contact your MP for free, through: writetothem.com

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