TravellerSpace is a registered charity supporting Gypsies, Irish Travellers and New Travellers in Cornwall and the Devon.
TravellerSpace aims to:
- Break down barriers which prevent Gypsies and Travellers having equality of access to health, education and welfare services.
- Support Gypsies and Travellers in ensuring their voices are heard in decision and policy making processes.
- Provide support for Gypsies and Travellers in health, education and welfare matters.
- Provide play and creative opportunities for Gypsy & Traveller children and young people
- Support Gypsy & Traveller young people who have been excluded from school or who are disengaged with the learning process
- Develop and deliver training and workshops for schools, service providers, and other statutory and non-statutory agencies
- Contribute to seminars, conferences, research and training events to highlight the experiences of Gypsies and Travellers
- Enable Gypsies and Travellers to access volunteering and training opportunities.
- Have a voice locally regionally and nationally in forums which highlight the issues facing the Gypsy and Traveller communities, and work to bring about positive change.
- Inform and educate the wider community about issues which affect Gypsies and Travellers, and to
- Raise awareness of Gypsy and Traveller cultures and traditions.