“This is the only thing that makes us feel part of the community. We don’t see no-one else. If this was taken, where would we go, who would accept us? No-one!”

Project user & volunteer, discussing the Teyluva Centre

In February 2018, TravellerSpace took over the lease for the former Teyluva Children’s Centre which was run by Cornwall Council.

Banner Making

It is now a community centre which offers:

  • A weekly drop-in Gypsy & Traveller women’s group, where women can take part in activities such as cookery & crafts, see the Health Visitor and get support with issues that affect them.
  • A literacy & numeracy group with childcare.
  • Short courses, awards & qualifications for anyone of any age who wants to improve their education, with 1-1 support and childcare where needed.
  • A weekly Gypsy & Traveller youth group.
  • Fitness activities, such as Zumba & street dance.
  • Early Years activities to enable young children to reach their Early Learning Goals.
  • Staff to support those who wish to access opportunities in the wider community.
  • A Safe Space to talk to IAG trained staff and for counselling from other agencies.

Our organisation has a vibrant, well-attended steering group made up of community members, whose ideas inform the focus and planning of activities in the the long and short term.

Stones painted by Centre users to express what it means to them

We hold community coffee mornings where the Travelling & settled communities can meet on neutral ground, to improve community cohesion.

We are very lucky to have brilliant volunteers, committed to improving the Centre, maintaining the grounds and keeping up with essential repairs. 

We are seeking funding to transform the outdoor space to appeal to all Centre users, with a play area for all ages.

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