Cornwall Council are consulting on the Gypsy & Travelling Communities Strategy & Delivery Plan.  

The Draft Gypsy and Travelling Communities Strategy and Delivery Plan (pdf) provides the evidence base for the Draft Local Plan policy for Gypsies and Travellers. It identifies pitch requirements to 2020; sets out the Council’s priorities for delivery of sites; and includes information on funding, site design and site management. It does not allocate specific sites for Gypsy and Traveller use, nor includes site specific policies. (i.e it does not give locations for sites). 

The Plan includes:

  • The numbers of pitches required for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople to 2020;
  • The Council’s priorities for delivery of sites;
  • Potential funding opportunities;
  • Links to further site design and site management guidance;
  • Council procedures regarding unauthorised sites and enforcement;
  • Advice regarding waiting lists for pitches;
  • Advice and contact number if you want to make a planning application to develop your own site.

 The consultation will last 6 weeks – starting Monday 11 March and ending at 5.00pm on Monday 22 April 2013. 

A separate Development Plan Document will be prepared – a formal document (as part of the Local Plan) which will allocate specific sites for accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. This will be made available for public consultation in due course. 

 For further information on the Draft Strategy or on developing new sites for Travellers please ring Cornwall Council on 0300 1234 161 and ask for the Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer or email 

TravellerSpace have copies of the consultation document and the summary leaflet available.

 If you would be interested in attending a consultation meeting with the Council please get in contact with TravellerSpace – tspace AT (replace AT with @) or ring 01736 366 940.