The Government is holding a consultation until 17 October on its draft National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework).

The Government is, therefore, asking what people think of the Framework.

It asking for:

* any views on any part of its draft Framework
* any views on the relationship between its draft Framework and its draft planning policy for traveller sites
* any views on its plans to put traveller site planning policy in the Framework.

If you have any questions, please call Paul Williams on 0303 44 41223.

Oral hearings – Traveller site planning policy and National Planning Policy Framework

To increase the accessibility of the consultation for those with poor literacy, they are organising oral hearings.

This means that those who would find it hard to reply to a written consultation can come and give their views at an oral hearing.

They are holding six hearings. These will focus on planning policy for Traveller sites in the context of the Framework.

These will be in the following locations on the following dates:

* London Wednesday 7 September 2011
* London Wednesday 28 September 2011
* Leeds Thursday 8 September 2011
* Birmingham Tuesday 13 September
* Bristol Thursday 15 September 2011
* Manchester Tuesday 4 October 2011.

They will confirm the time of these six oral hearings shortly and update their website.

If you want to come, please call Paul Williams on 0303 44 41223.

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